Vision Statement
Lost in sound is an audio-based story composed of music and underwater animal sounds. Cathal Kerins and I created this piece for the “Your Ocean Sound” call for projects of the Mediasphere For Nature in Berlin in 2021.
The textures are mixed with the real sounds of ocean wildlife and develop an emotional and mental journey between the inner/outer world when we discovered underwater life.
The experience
Lost in Sound tell the story of the encounter with underwater creatures. The transition from fear to acceptance, to connection. A sense of mutual appreciation and understanding washes over animals and humans. Then both diver and creature part and return to the abyss of their separate mediums.
The piece takes place in South America off the coast of Ecuador where Alex Tamayo captured the sounds as part of her documenting on overfishing around. Cathal Kerins and Alex Tamayo formed a narrative through sound to bring the experience of encountering a creature in these waters to life.
-Create an audio-based story with our human voices, guided only by animal sounds and music.
– Connect humans with the vulnerable ecosystems that composed the ocean.
– Challenge our creativity and tell a real story based on sensations that music and sound textures can provoke.
Format: Audio based story (mp3)
Platform: Mediasphere For Nature in Berlin / website. How available on Vimeo
Volume 5 minutes
Audience teens / young
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